«A sea story. – A triumph of the unconscious and the phenomenon of fluidity»

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Two countries, two companies, one vision: Overcoming boarders and clichés – on the track of joint European narrations in arts and academics: ORLANDO TRIP and DIDO is a spectacular package of mirroring and correlating performances on universal human needs and feelings – ancient, contemporary and utopian all at once. Touring as a double-date in Turkey in June 2024!

In the midst of an era that elevates rigid boundaries to an omnipresent principle and earnest threat, ORLANDO TRIP (Fox On Ice, AT) as well as DIDO (Company RAu, TR) set a poetic counterpoint. Both performances transform world-famous, ancient European myth in contemporary stage-art.  All tour-dates find below!

About Orlando Trip

ORLANDO TRIP is a cinematic musical theatre about the mythical character Orlando. And a tribute to the great European minds Lodovico Ariosto and Virginia Woolf.

Orlando, a knight and traveller, crosses the seas several times and finally returns as a woman. His/her story is performed in 12 songs, intermezzi and videos.

ORLANDO TRIP is simultaneously a spoken performance, a concert and a rush of images. Fox On Ice creates the suggestion of an effortless transition between stage and film, humans and landscape, man and woman. It is the suggestion of a departure, a journey of discovery into an unknown land. In this sequence of transformations, a poetic ego liquefies, celebrating the dual gender of the soul and promising one thing above all: freedom.

ORLANDO TRIP has been invited at international theatres and festivals in Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Romania, Greece, Slovenia, Israel, Sri Lanka and Austria. 

A (Mediterranean) sea story – a triumph of the unconscious and fluidity – that will delight cineastes, music lovers and literature enthusiasts alike.

«Jour de ma vie! From that day on we blank the past.»

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Some impressions of the Show

«You know, stranger things sometimes happen to us. In the center of silence. In the middle of peace.»

«Marry a stranger. Commit a crime! Save a poor devil. Be back in time!»

What others say about Orlando Trip

«A performance with a hypnotic aura, of an unsettling simplicity, in which the poetry completes the music and the image supports the metaphor of the fluidity of genres.»
Adriana Moca
Theater critic
«This production is like a journey from an entire holiday. Space and time become an ideal jigsaw puzzle of art and history, shedding light on many elements less known to the common viewer! Anna Maria Krassnigg and Christian Mair are in a fascinating osmosis (like two delicate starfish), carrying the viewer breathlessly, theatrically and cinematically, into their world. No passport required!»
Irina-Margareta Nistor
Film & performance critic
«The sea, sometimes pouring onto you, sometimes touching gently to your heart, and sometimes going beyond you passing through your veins... "The voice" turning you into everything you could ever be...Great artistic performance that "robs us of our dreams" and "robs us of our life" by Fox on Ice; from words to all the worlds' stage!»
Asst. Prof. Dr. Civelekoglu Funda
Ege University, Izmir
«In the form of a cinematic concert, Orlando Trip investigates the limits of the concepts that humanity normalizes - life, death, identity, gender, home, abroad, emigration, stranger, different, etc. [..] Anna Luca Poloni and Christian Mair lyrically, visually and aurally question the contemporary world through a mythological story that transcends centuries. It's a way of saying that although the challenges of our day may seem new, they have always been here, and that their solutions lie not in space and time, but in the infinite boundlessness of the human being.»
Oana Stoica
Theater critic
«Surprising. Clever. Well written, well sung. Relaxing and funny. Anyone who likes performances with literary references, especially when the irony melts into self-irony in their approach, can only delight.»
Cristina Rusiecki
Theater critic
«A successful mix of elegance and opulence, the show operates with fluid boundaries and takes the audience into different zones and registers both stylistically and conceptually and opens an intimate path towards metamorphosis and transgression of boundaries. Anna Luca Poloni and Christian Mair have achieved a real tour de force on stage, also by tackling different musical styles, by wide ups and downs from one chapter of the story to another.»
«In an insidious performance, where the cold calophilia of video images is complemented by rock music as an expression of the hot impulses of love without borders, the Austrian duo Fox on Ice musically recreates Orlando's journey and metamorphosis on the Mediterranean. The metaphor of the sea enhanced by the fluidity of the music transcends physical, mental and gender boundaries to explore the theme of transformation as a perennial attribute of life.»
Oana Cristea-Grigorescu
Theater critic, curator of the National Theater Festival Romania
«Orlando Trip is an inspiring intermedial celebration of Virginia Woolf, music, poetry, performance and photography. We loved it at Yasar University and higher education definitely needs much more of this! For students whose main creative engagement with great literature is mostly limited to writing dry academic essays about it, this passionate creative celebration was truly enlightening.»
Assist.Prof. (PhD) Jason Mark Ward
Yaşar University, Izmir

«Change! His body revolts. His mind claims for change!»

About Fox On Ice

Fox On Ice is the joint project of Christian Maïr, musician, producer and filmmaker, and Anna Luca Poloni, writer and performer at the crossing of music, literature, film and theatre, which artistically explores fictional and real biographies and was launched in 2022 with Orlando Trip.

Lyrics & Performance: Anna Luca Poloni
Music & Visuals: Christian Mair
Scientific Support: Wolfgang Müller-Funk
Produced by: wortwiege

«Dimmi, capitano! Non posso lottare più? Non devo gridare più?»

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